
Vidalista 5mg is the lowest dose of Tadalafil. It is good for first time users and young age people who has mild erectile dysfunction.


What is Vidalista 5mg ?

Vidalista 5mg is a proven and tested medicine for treating erectile dysfunction in men. It contains Tadalafil which is an FDA approved formula for treating ED and PAH ( Prostrate arterial hypertension). It is quickly replacing the other traditional ED pills because the duration it stays in the body is more than 36 hours. One can get multiple erections within this time. Owing to its property to stay long in the body, it is also known as weekend pill. It is a hard pill which one can take with water 20-30 minutes before planned sex. The onset of action can vary from person to person. Do not take another pill in case of delayed erection. You can consult your doctor if you do not get erection even after 1-2 hrs.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Inability to get or sustain erection during intercourse is known as erectile dysfunction. It is a temporary sexual disorder which happens due to various physiological and psychological factors. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension, Parkinsonism etc. affect the erection process directly. Any kind of injury, heart attack or stroke also contributes to ED. People get affected by psychological factors as well. Any kind of mental disorder, Alzheimer, dementia, tension, worry, stress etc. leads to erectile dysfunction.

What is PAH (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension) ?

PAH is a type of blood pressure which affects arteries. It is progressive in nature and continuously increases blood pressure in arteries which at times leads to heart failure or death. A chronic disease where blood supplying capacity of heart reduces due to damaged arteries or when arteries become narrow. It takes more effort for the heart to pump blood into lungs due to which at times it causes heart failure. The disease is progressive and cannot be cured. However with the help of Vidalista 5mg UK it can be controlled to a certain extent

How Vidalista 5mg UK helps in curing erectile dysnfinction and PAH?

Vidalista 5mg contains Tadalafil. It belongs to a group of medicines known as PDE5 inhibitors. These medicines have the quality to decrease the effect of enzyme directly responsible for degrading cGMP. It further relaxes blood vessels and increase blood supply. Doctors prescribe low dose of Vidalista 5mg tablets to treat PAH and erectile dysfunction. You can take 1 pill of the medicine within 36 hours to treat erectile dysfunction and 2-3 tablets for the treatment of PAH. Average time for the medicine to dissolve in the body and start working is 20-40 minutes. Once the onset of action starts, it stays in the body for more than 36 hours.

Recommendations for consuming Vidalista 5mg UK tablets

  1. Expert advice – Do not try to be a doctor. Vidalista 5mg is easily available online without prescription. However like Cialis it requires prescription and advice from a doctor. The medicine may react with your current medication and can cause serious damage to your body. It is good to take advice from a doctor / sexologist and take drug under his supervision.


  1. Planning – The medicine works on sexual stimulation. Hence planning sex is important. Take the medicine 30-45 minutes before planned sex and concentrate on foreplay.


  1. Patience – On an average it takes 30-40 minutes for the medicine to start working. For some people it may take more than usual time. We advise not to take another pill and wait for the action to start. In case you don’t get erection, either you need to increase the dose to Vidalista 10mg in consultation with a doctor or switch to some other medicines like Kamagra containing Sildenafil.



  1. Hot Bath & Massage – Taking hot massage or bath can be a good idea. It relaxes veins in the body and facilitates increase in blood flow.


  1. Vacation- Go on vacation and take a break from your daily routine life. Study conducted in Scotland showed positive result for people engaging in sex on vacation. This is the time when you are free from all your tensions and worries due to which you can concentrate more on foreplay and sex.


Usage and dosage of Vidalista 5 mg

Doctors prescribe Vidalista 5mg UK tablets mostly for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. The standard dose is 1 tablet within 36 hours.  People use the medicine for treatment of PAH also. Dose varies from 2-3 tablets a day.

Does Vidalista 5mg UK gives same remedy as Cialis?

There is a misconception that Cialis is better than Vidalista. Both contain Tadalafil 5mg and are tested and approved by respective drug department. You can rely on Vidalista 5mg as much as you rely on Cialis.

Is Vidalista 5mg UK safe to take?

Vidalista 5mg UK is the safest medicine for treating erectile dysfunction. As it is a low dose medicine, the side effects are minimal. Ensure to take the medicine as per advice from a doctor/sexologist.

Read the instructions on the medicine and take all necessary precautions to be safe.

Can women take Vidalista 5mg?

No, the medicine is only for men. Women should not use this medicine.

Women can take  Lovegra for treating FSAD (Female sexual arousal disorder).

Side effects of Vidalista 5mg

Vidalista 5mg UK is the lowest dose of Tadalafil.  Although the medicine is safe to use, one can always expect some or the other side effects. You must not worry but be aware of the side effects so that you don’t ignore and take necessary precautions.

Some of the common side effects of using the medicine are:

  1. Muscle ache
  2. Headache
  3. Flushing
  4. Body pain
  5. Blurred vision
  6. Sleeplessness
  7. Vomiting

Side effects which may require doctors attention are:

  1. Vision loss
  2. Loss of hearing
  3. Ringing in ear
  4. Heart failure
  5. Stroke
  6. Chest Pain
  7. Shoulder pain

Precautions to be taken with Vidalista 5mg

We recommend below precautions to be taken to avoid any medical complexities and serious side effects

  1. Must read the label of the medicine for the company’s advice and precautions.
  2. As it is a schedule “H” drug, let the doctor advise you the right dose and the medicine.
  3. Do not take nitrate medicine as it reacts with Tadalafil and causes sudden drop in blood pressure.
  4. Avoid the medicine if you are diabetic or have hypertension.
  5. Speak to your doctor if you are pregnant and planning to take the medicine for PAH (Pulmonary arterial hypertension)
  6. Take long expiry medicines. Short expiry medicines lose its strength and are not efficient.
  7. Do not inject, crush, split or chew the tablet. It needs to be taken whole with water 30-40 minutes before planned sex.

How to Store and Dispose Vidalista 5 mg?

Ensure to keep the medicine at a safe place away from children and pets. Keep it at room temperature away from direct sunlight and heat. Medicines lose its efficacy if kept at a damp place. Best way to store medicine is to keep it in its original packing in a tight jar.

Always use the service of agencies specialized in handling medical waste. Do not throw the medicine at a place easily accessible by pets and kids.

What to do in case of Overdose?

Visit hospital or speak to your doctor immediately.



Additional information


16 tablets, 20 tables, 24 tablets, 28 tablets, 32 tablets, 36 tablets, 40 tablets, 52 tablets, 60 tablets, 72 tablets, 80 tablets, 100 tablets, 200 tablets


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