
It is a soft gel capsule used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. It as faster than any other traditional hard capsules or pills.

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What is Fildena Super Active?

Fildena super active is a soft gel capsule mostly used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. It contains sildenafil citrate as the main ingredient. The formula was approved by FDA in the year 1998 for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It is not a hard pill but a soft gel capsule which dissolves in the body faster than other hard pills and starts the action. It comes in a packing of 10 pills per blister. Fildena super Active capsules UK give same result as of Kamagra as both of them contain the same ingredient.

What is Sildenafil Citrate ?

Sildenafil is a pharmaceutical ingredient which is present in Fildena Super Active UK capsules. This medicine belongs to the group of medicines known as PDE-5 inhibitors. They act on enzyme which breaks cGMP and regulates the chemical in the body. This results in relaxing of blood vessels which increases blood supply into the penile area. An increase in blood supply leads to erection.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

In simple terms when men are not able to get penis erection it is known as erectile dysfunction. Both getting and sustaining erection are the outcomes of impotency. It is a common sexual disorder which affects at least 70% of male population globally. It is triggered by low sexual desire, physical and mental issues.

Physiological factors are related to direct functioning of the body. These factors include poor health, lack of exercise, chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension etc. Recent surgery, stroke and heart attack also leads to erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction caused by poor mental health and mental sickness are known as psychological factors. These include anxiety, depression, stress, phobia etc. In all these scenarios the mind become week and disturbed due to which there is a lack of communication between brain and penile area. It causes stiffness of blood vessels due to which the blood supply reduces in penis.

How does Fildena Super Active helps in getting rid of ED?

Whatever may be the cause of erectile dysfunction Fildena Super Active UK soft gel capsules provide perfect solution for the treatment. The medicine contains sildenafil citrate which belongs to the class of medicine known as PDE-5 inhibitors. They relax blood vessels in the body and allow unrestricted movement of blood into penile area. An increase in blood supply leads to penis erection.

You need to take one soft gel capsule 20-30 minutes before the planned sex. The medicine quickly dissolves in the blood stream and relaxes blood vessels which help in getting firm and strong erection.

Tips to take Fildena Super Active soft gel capsules UK

The medicine is in Soft gel form which makes it faster than any other ED medicine. It needs to be taken with caution. We suggest the following tips which if followed can give excellent result.

  1. Expert advice – Always take advice from a doctor before taking the medicine. This is a schedule “H” drug for which prescription is must. You need to speak to your doctor and tell him about your medical history and current medication. Based on his analysis and evaluation, doctor will suggest you the correct dose and medicine.


  1. PlanningThe medicine works only on sexual stimulation and hence planning sex is important. Taking Fildena UK without having desire to engage in sex may not give you 100% result.


  1. Patience – Average time for the medicine to start working in the body is 20-25 minutes. However for few people it may take more than the average time. You need to keep patience and wait for the result. Do not take another pill as it can be dangerous for the health.


  1. Hot Bath & Massage- Keep yourself clean. Bad smell and poor hygiene can put off the desire of your partner. Taking hot bath in other way can relax your muscle and increase blood flow which is required for better erection.


  1. Vacation- Take a break from your daily routine life and go on a vacation. This is the time when your mind is relaxed and tension free. A survey conducted in London showed positive result for people who took medicine and performed sex during vacation.

What happens if women take Fildena Super Active Capsules?

The medicine is only for men. Women may not get expected result after consuming Fildena Super Active capsules.

Women can take Lovegra for treating FSAD (Female sexual arousal disorder).

Side effects of Fildena Super Active UK Soft gel capsules

Some of the common side effects of using the medicine are:

  1. Body Pain
  2. Anxiety
  3. Sleeplessness
  4. Headache
  5. Hair loss
  6. Change in vision
  7. Blurred vision
  8. Flushing
  9. Vomiting

You may experience some serious side effects such as loss of vision, priapism, hearing loss etc. Watch out for any abnormality in the body and report immediately to doctor.

What precautions to be taken before consuming Fildena Super Active

  1. Always take long expiry medicines. Short expiry medicines do not give expected results.
  2. Extra care is required for people suffering from diabetes and hypertension
  3. Avoid any medicine containing nitrates. Nitrates combines with Sildenafil and causes sudden drop in blood pressure.
  4. Taking alcohol before or after the consumption of medicine can be dangerous.
  5. Avoid heavy and saturated meal. This slows down the process of erection.



  1. Fildena super active capsules UK are easily available online without prescription.
  2. Gives excellent result in short span of time.
  3. Easy to consume as it is in soft gel capsule form.
  4. Fast and Reliable


Store the medicine in its original packing at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight and heat. Always ensure to keep it out of reach of children and pets.

What to do in case of Overdose?

Taking more than the prescribed dose can be dangerous. Contact your doctor immediately in case of overdose of medicine.

Additional information


16 tablets, 20 tables, 24 tablets, 28 tablets, 32 tablets, 36 tablets, 40 tablets, 52 tablets, 60 tablets, 72 tablets, 80 tablets, 100 tablets, 200 tablets


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