
Vidalista Black 80 mg is the strongest dose of Tadalafil. It stays in the body for up to 36 hours and gives multiple erection on sexual stimulation.



What is Vidalista Black 80mg ?

Vidalista black 80mg is a clinically approved and tested formula for treating erectile dysfunction / impotency in men. It is the highest dose of Tadalafil. The API (Active pharmaceutical ingredient) Tadalafil was approved in the year 2003 for commercial use. The first Tadalafil brand was Cialis. The best part of the medicine is that the effect stays in the body for more than 36 hours. People can get multiple erections during this time upon sexual stimulation.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Failure to get penis erection while engaging in sexual activity is known as erectile dysfunction. It is a temporary sexual disorder which affects men and is the great source of embarrassment for them. At least 70 percent of male population faces this problem at least once in life time. The problem increases with age. However this is not the only reason of getting erectile dysfunction.

ED is the result of poor health, lack of exercise, low sexual desire, and diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and other chronic diseases. People also get ED because of stress, anxiety, depression and other mental diseases. Recent surgery and injury also contribute to ED.

How does Vidalista 80 mg helps in getting rid of erectile dysfunction?

Vidalista 80 UK contains Tadalafil which belongs to the group of medicines known as PDE Type 5 inhibitors. These medicines have the ability to degrade the effect of an enzyme directly responsible for reducing cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) in the body. You can take 1 pill of the medicine 30 minutes before the planned sex. The medicine quickly dissolves in the body and starts the action. The medicine relaxes blood vessels and increase blood supply to penile area. Increase in blood supply causes erection which lasts for 3-4 hours. The effect of the medicine stays in the body for more than 36 hours and one can get multiple erections during this time.

Tips to take Vidalista 80mg:

  1. Doctor’s Consultation – Tadalafil is categorized as schedule “H” drug which means expert advice and prescription is required for taking the tablet. Vidalista black 80mg UK is easily available online without prescription. However it is always advisable to consult your doctor to avoid any medical complexities and side effects.


  1. Planning – Plan your sex. The medicine works on sexual stimulation. Take the medicine at least 30 minutes prior to planed sex. Do not take the medicine daily. Take medicine only if you are in the mood to have sex.


  1. Patience – Average time for the medicine to start working is 30 minutes. However it may take more than usual time for some users. Do not take another pill. Keep your concentration on foreplay and you will get the result. In case of no action, you can consult your doctor and switch to any other medicine like Kamagra which contains another formula sildenafil.


  1. Hot Bath & Massage – Keep yourself clean and perfumed. Poor hygiene and bad smell can cause discomfort and lack of sexual desire. Taking hot bath also relaxes veins and increases blood supply which is good for erection.


  1. Vacation- Take vacation and go out of the city. It is the time when you are away from your daily busy and hectic schedule. As per a study conducted in UK, people who took Vidalista UK tablets while on vacation showed 90% positive results.

Does Vidalista 80 mg tablets gives same remedy as Cialis?

Vidalista 80 UK contains the same ingredient Tadalafil which is present in Cialis. Both the medicines are equally effective and powerful. The only difference is its availability and price. Cialis covers mostly USA and Latin America commercial markets where as Vidalista UK is easily available in Europe and UK. Compare to Cialis, Vidalista is far cheaper and easily available online without prescription.

Is Vidalista 80 mg safe to take?

The medicine is safe if taken in consultation with a doctor or a sexologist. Take one pill as a whole without breaking, chewing or splitting it. Read the label of the medicine and follow instructions written on it.

You must avoid the medicine in case of any chronic disease. Many times ED Medication react with chronic medicines and causes serious damage to the body.

Can women take Vidalista black 80 mg?

The medicine is only meant for men as it treats erectile dysfunction. Women may or may not get desired results. In case of women suffering from FSAD (Female sexual arousal disorder), Cenforce FM can be the right choice. This medicine is also available online without prescription. Our recommendation will be to consult gynecologist before taking the medicine.

Side effects of Vidalista 80mg

Vidalista Black 80mg UK is a high dose medicine. One must be careful and have proper knowledge of the side effects to act smartly in case of any medical complexities.  Side effect may or may not be the same for everyone.

Below is the list of some of the side effects associated with intake of Tadalafil

  1. Muscle ache
  2. Headache
  3. Body pain
  4. Blurred vision
  5. Sleeplessness
  6. Flushing
  7. Vomiting
  8. Rashes

Some of the rare side effects of taking Tadalafil are:

  1. Hearing loss
  2. Loss of vision
  3. Ringing in ear
  4. Heart attack
  5. Chest pain
  6. Stroke
  7. Shoulder pain

Fe people also reported cases of priapism where the penis erected for more than 4 hours resulting in damage of tissues present in penis

People also lost eye sight in some of the rare cases. Stop the use of Vidalista 80 UK tablets immediately and seek medical help.

In case of shoulder pain and chest pain, rush to the doctor. It can be the sign of heart attack.

Precautions to be taken with Vidalista black 80 mg UK tablets

Precaution is better than cure. Always take necessary precautions to avoid any medical complexities. Our team of experts suggest below precautions to keep you safe and away from any adverse effect of the medicine.

  1. Always read the content of the medicine and seek medical advice in case of doubt.
  2. Speak to your doctor and act as per his advice.
  3. Nitrate medicines in combination with Tadalafil causes sudden drop in blood pressure which can lead to death. Consult your doctor if you are not sure of the content of the medicine.
  4. Only take long expiry medicine.
  5. Take tablet as a whole. Do not crush, split or chew the tablet.

Storage and Disposal

The medicine must be kept in a tight jar away from direct sunlight and heat. Keep it at a cool and dry place preferably at room temperature of below 30 degrees. Make sure the medicine is not accessible by children and pets.

Do not flush the medicine or throw it at a place easily accessible by children and pets. The best way to dispose the medicine is to give it to the agencies certified in handling medical waste.

What to do in case of Overdose?

Talk to your doctor and visit the clinic immediately.



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16 tablets, 20 tables, 24 tablets, 28 tablets, 32 tablets, 36 tablets, 40 tablets, 52 tablets, 60 tablets, 72 tablets, 80 tablets, 100 tablets, 200 tablets


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