How Kamagra pills are replaced by Kamagra Jelly


Erectile Dysfunction  is a condition when men cannot have sex properly with their partner, and it is sometimes represented as impotence. Studies as shown that nearly 50 percent of men become infected with erectile dysfunction (ED) at the age of 50, and almost 26 percent of men Experience ED at the age of 40. For married couples, sexual satisfaction is a very basic need. Men use  Kamagra pills for having successful sexual intercourse against ED.

Kamagra and Kamagra Oral Jelly are manufactured by an Indian pharmacy named Ajanta Pharma Limited. This company has successfully designed these pills to control ED. Kamagra is available in the market as a tablet, and the Kamagra pill has more versions named super Kamagra and Kamagra oral jelly.

How Kamagra jelly replaced Kamagra pills:

It’s very important to consult a doctor while taking any medicine. These medicines may have harmful side effects so always consult a doctor before taking the Kamagra pill of Kamagra tablet.

Kamagra pill and Kamagra jelly are almost the same. Both of them have the same active ingredient called Sildenafil- citrate. There are some differences based on starting action after injection of these medicines.

Composition of Kamagra:

Kamagra tablets uk and Kamagra jelly are both medicines that contain almost the same ingredients. Both Kamagra tablet and Kamagra jelly uk have an active ingredient that is the same in both, which means these medicines work the same in men. The main difference between them is the time it takes to start the action in the body. Kamagra pills being hard in nature, takes little longer to start the action whereas Kamagra Jelly is in liquid form and the onset of action is faster.

If you purchase both Kamagra jelly and a Kamagra 100 tablet from its original manufacturers, both will have a similar effect on men. The only time of effectiveness can differ because of form of medicine they are.

Patients who want to start taking Kamagra against ED are generally advised to start with less dose. They can begin by taking almost 25mg in the beginning. As Kamagra comes in 100mg, in that case, users can use the half pill. And most important is to use medication according to your doctor’s recommendation.­

How long are Kamagra pill & jelly last?

This is one of the most asked questions by the user about the Kamagra pill and Kamagra jelly. Kamagra pill starts performing its action almost within 30 to 60 minutes after its intake, and it stays in the body for nearly 24 minutes.

Kamagra jelly and Kamagra pill can last their effect for some time. This time can differ for different people. Generally, Kamagra jelly lasts for almost 4 to 6 hours after its starts working almost after 15 to 20 minutes. So men can use this  for nearly half an hour before having sexual intercourse. This time may differ for different people depending upon their metabolism.

Men who eat fatty foods before taking Kamagra jelly may have reduced the effect of this medicine—taking fats before taking the pill reduced the impact of Kamagra jelly. The same condition goes for both milk-based and whole milk food beverages.

The flavor of Kamagra jelly:

Kamagra jelly comes in seven flavors: chocolate, vanilla, orange, and others. Kamagra jelly comes in different flavors, whereas Kamagra pill does not come in different flavors. People who do not like to swallow the Kamagra pill have a good advantage over Kamagra jelly. Now, these men can take Kamagra jelly in any flavor they want.

Kamagra jelly is easy to intake because, unlike other medicines in tablets for may have an unpleasant taste. Kamagra is jelly-based. So Kamagra can directly be placed in the mouth and dissolve quickly. At the same time, the Kamagra pill comes in tablet form and has to swallow using a glass of water.

The pleasant taste of Kamagra jelly:

Kamagra jelly has a pleasant taste as it comes in different flavors in 7 different flavors.

Working principle of Kamagra medicines:

Both Kamagra pill and Kamagra jelly have the same working principle. Humans have cGMP enzymes. Around male and female genitalia, these enzymes dilate the vessels. So when a man takes Kamagra jelly or Kamagra pill, the blood flows around the man’s penis faster. This is how this medicine helps men in sexual intercourse. This medicine does not treat low sexual desire.


Both Kamagra jelly and Kamagra pill have the almost same action on men’s bodies. There are some extra benefits offered by Kamagra jelly on basis of taste and start in action time. But otherwise, both  have almost the same effect.

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